The most popular Avenger-girl...I don't know what I should tell about her. Everybody knows her - if anybody hears "The Avenegers" the connect it with Emma Peel. It's a shame, that Diana Rigg is just known as Emma Peel - in England it's something different, but in Austria and I think also in other countries they don't know her well.
Emma Peel created a special flair at "The Avengers". She was very beautiful, strong and brave - she was more man-like in character than any other Avenger girl. Her clothes of course are very lady like - but her hobbys aren't. I think she is a typical woman who can get on well with men - much better than with women.
She isn't afraid of anything and she is always enthusiastic. It is fun to watch her. I think every girl wants to be like Emma Peel.
Without her "The Avengers" won't be such a success - I'm sure - if they hadn't gave her the job there wouldn't be all these wounderful avenger-series.
I just feel sorry for the other avenger-girls - they are all fantastic in their own way - but they are all compared with Emma Peel and it isn't easy to fit the bill like she did.
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