Monday, 14 June 2010

Fizzy drinks

After I have seen all episodes for more then 3 or 4 times I started analysing different things in "The Avengers". Yesterday I was watching "From Venus with Love" (again) and I was really wondering what special drink Emma is drinking - it's something pink or red with perhaps peppermint?
I don't know but it looks really good and tasty. So have you any ideas? Or what are your favourite drinks in "The Avengers" beside champagne of course :)


  1. Purdey is magnificent! She rivals Mrs. Peel as the best Avengers girl. Though I am definately a fan of the Emma/Steed partnership, the chemistry between Purdey and Steed was strong. Had she been the one to replace Mrs. Peel in the original series, there would have been no stopping it.
    Purdey was self assured, could definately handle herself in a fix and had the quick wit that matched Steed. She also has a warmth that was often missing in Mrs. Peel and the spark with Steed that Tara was sorely lacking1

  2. Oops! my comments about Purdey ended up under fizzy drinks! Imbibe!
